This caused that copy of him to disintegrate and the black ship (Brainiac's true form) to be teleported away. Enraged, Brainiac attacked Clark, but ended up impaled by some crystals in the Fortress.

Chloe got rid of the Kryptonite, which allowed Clark to stop Zod's escape from the Phantom Zone. However, this plan was foiled by Chloe Sullivan, who had uncovered his identity and been teleported to the Fortress. Upon arriving, Brainiac weakened Clark with Green Kryptonite and prepared for the arrival of Zod. Once more pretending to help, Brainiac tricked Clark into taking him to the Fortress of Solitude, under the pretense that they were going to destroy it (thus saving Martha's life). Shortly after this, Brainiac infected Martha Kent with a virus, which he easily tricked Clark into believing had been caused by Jor-El. Pretending to be a fellow Kryptonian, Brainiac cured Clark of his "silver K" infection. It was all part of a plan, to fully earn Clark's trust.

Īs professor Fine, Brainiac befriended the young man, before arranging for Clark to be infected with " Silver Kryptonite". He created the human persona of "Milton Fine" and got a teaching job at Central Kansas A&M University, where Clark Kent was about to enter as a student. After the disciples failed to get Clark Kent to join them and were banished to the Phantom Zone, Brainiac sprang into action himself. In 2005, Brainiac arrived on Earth, in the middle of a meteor shower. Season Fiveīrainiac managed to escape the destruction of Krypton, together with Aethyr and Nam-Ek, the Disciples of Zod. At some point, Brainiac was corrupted to serve General Zod. The exact details remain unknown however, evidence suggest that Jor-El based his creation on an earlier creation of another Kryptonian scientist. The Brain InterActive Construct, Brainiac, was created by Jor-El, to save Krypton from destruction.